The tea and coffee making facility left a lot to be desired.

There's a group on facebook called 'You know you're swedish, when...", which I am a member of. I have read the lists and I have to say I feel even less swedish now than I did yesterday. Hooray!

There are, however, a few points that I do agree with, but one especially.

35. You watch an English/American film and get upset that all swedes are called Inga,Ingrid or Sven when you know these are not common names in Sweden.

These names are for grandmothers and grandfathers Only! And the name 'Heidi' has never, in Any generation, been common in Sweden. If you believe swedes are named Heidi, then you are confusing us with Switzerland and will have to face the consequences of your ignorance! Thou shalt burn in purgatory! :)

Some of the points on the list made you 'a person living in Sweden' rather than swedish though; it's difficult controlling the rules in the country you reside in. Maybe I just haven't tried hard enough? Maybe I should try to change the law a bit; make some additions perhaps.

My suggestions, categorized by the punishment they will recieve, if not abiding by these laws.

£3m. in fine if you dye your hair blonde

Feet cut off if you are wearing crocs (they will then be fed to... the crocs)

Death penalty
Men who shave/wax (trimming beard is okay) will be beheaded
Anyone who air reality tv shows will be stoned in public
Anyone who is a member of a boy- or girlband will be shot by Simon Amstell
People who confuse Sweden with Switzerland will get a one-way ticket to the electric chair

I'll probably add to it, but that's it for now. Time to work!

Made this....


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