Accountants suffering from diabetis

Today's quote:

-You should go to a diabetic.
-To advice you on what to eat.
-You mean dietitian!
(Hilarity ensued)

My joints hurt; maybe the bloke with arthritis next door can help me?

In other news; I'm sitting here with a finger in my ear. It's not a hobby of mine, it just hurts.

I turned down pizza tonight; I have no craving what so ever for junk food. Gross! Why do we like it so much? Surely a meal made from scratch at home tastes a million times better and keeps you from getting hungry right away. Were we brought up to assosciate junk with reward and celebration, so now when we eat it we feel rewarded.

I have applied to three jobs now; one close to Bournemouth, one in the Cotswolds and the third one... in the London area, I think. They all offer accomodation. Hopefully I'll be back in England before march. Crossing fingers over here!

What do accountants do when they're constipated?
- They work it out with a pencil!

*roaring laughter* 

That joke gives me the most hilarious images in my head; boring accountants, suite and tie, in the office bathroom, picking their bottom with a pencil. Oh dear, oh dear. *wiping tears* 


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